Helminthiasis is a widespread disease. According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the planet is infected with parasitic worms. Most patients do not rush to see a doctor and sometimes are not even aware of the disease and its consequences. Therefore, it is important to detect the disease at the right time and start treatment. And in solving the problem, folk remedies will help you get rid of worms in people.
Symptoms and treatment of helminth infection

The presence of helminthic infections in the body is indicated by the following symptoms:
- allergies;
- dermatological dysfunctions;
- decreased immunity;
- anemia;
- sleep disorder;
- excitability and restlessness;
- loss of strength and weakness;
- dizziness;
- muscle and joint pain;
- increased salivation;
- teeth grinding;
- increased heart rate;
- rapid weight loss;
- cough;
- disruptions in the digestive tract: diarrhea and vomiting, bloating and constipation.
A foul smell from the mouth in the morning indicates 80% of helminth infection.
In men, parasites serve as motivators that provoke:
- Impotence.
- Cystitis.
- Prostatitis.
- Adenoma.
- Bladder and kidney stones.
For the weak half, this threatens:
- Inflammatory processes in the ovaries and adrenal glands.
- The development of fibroids and fibroids.
- Pathologies of the heart.
- Tumors.
If you are worried about the symptoms, you should urgently take a test for worm eggs. If the result is positive, antiparasitic hygiene is advised.
Stages of treatment
Alternative medicine is actively fighting helminthiasis.
You will have to competently plan the therapy process and go through all the stages:
- Organizational.A week before treatment, you should turn to pumpkin oil, which you drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day to remove toxins.
- Self-healing.When using folk remedies, you should follow the recommended dosage, do not interrupt the medication and keep the course until the end.
- Recovery.It includes the consumption of vitamins and herbal teas.
It is recommended to follow the principles of dietary nutrition during the entire period of anthelmintic treatment. Sweets and baked products, smoked and fried foods are prohibited. The following are welcome in the diet:
- vegetables;
- fermented milk products;
- fruits;
- fresh juices;
- porridge
Folk remedies for adults
Folk recipes proven over the years are used to get rid of parasites. Worms do not have a special love for bitter products, especially spices.
Black clove
The kitchen product is brought to a powder state in a coffee grinder. Take 0. 5 g three times a day after meals. The next day, the dose is adjusted to 1 g and then increases to 1. 5 g per dose. This is the maximum dose and cannot be increased. The duration of the course is 10 days.
On a note!Intolerance to cloves is fraught in some cases with swelling of the oral cavity. A little clean water for washing will help the powder to absorb better.
The plant can be used in salads. To get rid of worms quickly and effectively, use a recipe that will take 1 minute. fry the seeds in a dry pan. Then grind it in a blender. Dosage: 1 g after or during meals. The therapy lasts 2 weeks. Usually 10 days is enough.
It is both spice and medicine. Distinctive features:
- antiseptic;
- help with colds;
- swelling removal;
- reduction of pain in muscles and joints;
- combating mental trauma;
- the elixir of youth and longevity.
As an anthelmintic prophylaxis, crushed rhizomes are included in salads: they add originality to the taste and spiciness of the food. The main thing is not to overdo it: the spice is quite spicy.
For treatment, dry ginger powder (1 spoon) is used, which is mixed with juice or milk and taken before meals. The course is 7 days, after which there is a one-week break, then the resumption of use.
Citrus fruits
The peel of lemons, together with the white pulp, is distinguished by an alkaline reaction and destroys pathogenic microflora, among others, worms. Dried or fresh lemon or orange peels are eagerly chewed and swallowed. Do this before meals and eat lunch or dinner 50 minutes later.
Careful!Fruits are often further processed for better storage. Buying fresh and natural products is of great importance.
Plant collection
It is considered one of the productive methods in the fight against helminths. For healing you will need:
- tansy flower;
- carnation;
- knotweed;
- fresh mint;
- sage brush;
- pike;
- thyme;
- dandelion root.

The components are combined in the ratio 1: 3: 2: 1: 3: 0, 5: 2: 2. The mixture (2 level spoons) is poured with boiled water (500 ml) and kept in a thermos for about 45 minutes. After draining, the injected mixture is taken throughout the day in equal parts. Treat for 10 days.
Careful!Individual intolerance to certain ingredients cannot be excluded. To eliminate the consequences, an antihistamine drug will be useful.
It actively fights Giardia, which lives in the liver and is difficult to remove. In a bowl with 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots and leaves, pour into a glass of boiling water. After cooling, filter. Drink twice a day before meals for 3 days.
St. John's wort
200 ml of boiling water are poured into 30 g of herbs and left for about 20 minutes. Drink 150 ml of strained infusion three times a day for 3 consecutive days.
Aspen bark
50 g of raw materials are mixed with 500 ml of vodka and kept in the dark for about 2 weeks. Remember to shake regularly. Before use, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water. Take 21 days 4 times a day before meals.
It is very easy to prepare: only 1 tbsp. l. herb, which is filled with alcohol (100 ml). Keep it for 2 weeks. Take the mixture 20 drops on an empty stomach three times a day.
With castor oil
Suitable for adults only. Take 50–80 ml in equal proportions, mix the ingredients and drink immediately before going to bed for 3 consecutive days.
With tea
4 tablespoons. l. The drink is diluted with boiled tea in equal parts. Procedure time: after midnight at 2 o'clock, duration - 5 days. After 10 days, the treatment can be resumed.
Contraindicated in case of painful stomach condition, pregnancy and hypertensive patients.
The advantage of this method is that it can be used once. To cure helminths you need an onion weighing 100-120 g. It is carefully washed, the onion mass is placed in a glass and filled with hot water (80°C). Leave the train for 8 hours. The filtered tincture is drunk whole in the morning half an hour before breakfast. Healing occurs within a week. If the result is negative, the patient repeats the course.
A popular and affordable folk anthelmintic drug. Contains essential oils and phytoncides, has an anthelmintic effect. According to consumer reviews, garlic therapy is effective for ascariasis (roundworms).
Garlic oil
Cooking technology:
- Cut 1000 g of vegetables into cloves, peel and chop.
- Squeeze the juice (approximately 0. 5 kg).
- Add 1 liter of unrefined vegetable oil.
- Put it for 14 days in a dark place, shake well systematically.
- Separate the layer placed from above.
The drained mass is poured into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning, do not swallow the medicine, but spread it carefully for 10-20 minutes. The oil is then spit out and the mouth rinsed thoroughly. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day until the helminths are completely removed.
With honey
Garlic juice (300 g) and honey (0. 5 kg) are mixed. Simmer covered for half an hour on low heat. Taking the resulting composition: 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. l.
Genghis Khan's Counteraction
You will need 250g of finely minced garlic cloves, which are easy to swallow without chewing. The cut slices are laid out on the surface so that they are airy, but do not release juice. After half an hour, the product is swallowed little by little. This powerful drug is used with caution in the absence of restrictions on culture consumption.
A simple and effective way to get rid of worms in the respiratory system. To apply, grate the vegetable head and spread it on a bandage. The fabric is then placed in a hot liquid and a session is performed.
It is effective in parasitizing worms in the lower intestinal tract. Administration of the solution 3-4 times and obligatory stools. An adult is given an enema in the knee-elbow position, a child - lying on his side. Sequence of operation:
- Last lubrication of the syringe with Vaseline.
- Air removal and collection of healing fluids.
- Inserting the tip into the anus and injecting the solution by pressing the bulb.
- For the mixture to take effect, do not change position for 10 minutes.
- Repeat the manipulation every day for 10 days.
Prepare and use the following solutions:
- Boil a head of garlic in 200 ml of milk until soft and cool. The strained infusion is used for an enema and left overnight.
- 4 peeled cloves of garlic are ground into a paste and mixed with half a liter of hot juice. Leave it for about 20 minutes. Cool before use.
- Take onion and garlic in equal parts (3 pieces), chop and mix. The ingredients are diluted with 500 ml of boiled water. After half an hour, pour the liquid into another container and squeeze the ingredients. Add lemon juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons. l. The extracted mixture is diluted with warm water (1 l).
Ashes of linden branches
They find a couple of linden branches which they burn in a pan. 1 spoon. The resulting ash is poured into a glass of boiled cow's milk. Drink before meals three times a day for 2 weeks.
Apple cider vinegar
It allows you to get rid of infection with some types of helminths. You need 5 ml of the product diluted in a glass of lukewarm boiled water. Use after dinner or breakfast, but maximum 10 days. It is recommended to combine the vinegar solution with the simultaneous intake of an infusion of garlic or onion. This combination has a 3 times stronger effect.
Treatment with folk remedies for worms in children

There are many folk remedies for children suffering from helminthiasis. Regular use will help to cleanse and heal the body without the help of pharmacotherapy:
- Take 3 cloves of garlic and grind them into a paste. Transfer to a saucepan and pour in 250 ml of milk. Simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. Then, remove from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour. Use the medicine 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 spoon. The duration of the procedure is 3 days.
- Before going to bed for a month, cover the baby's anus with cotton wool, which is soaked in pumpkin, linseed or hemp oil.
- Decoctions of fennel and chamomile are very effective and are drunk on any occasion.
- Give your child pumpkin seeds every day. The dose depends on age: 150 g - up to 7 years, 200 g - up to 10 years, 300 g - over 10 years.
To obtain pumpkin milk, the seeds are ground in a blender, covered with half a liter of hot water, placed in a water bath and evaporated for about 2 hours, the oily film is removed from the surface of the drained liquid.
Drink on an empty stomach for half an hour. After 2 hours, the patient takes a laxative.
Recipe for parasites for pregnant women
Even pregnant women can use folk remedies if they coordinate treatment with a gynecologist. Parasitic infections pose a risk to the baby: they cause developmental abnormalities, lead to intrauterine death and mental retardation in the future. Therefore, it is important to start therapy on time. We recommend that expectant mothers use the following recipe:
- Use 2 tbsp. l. fennel seeds, washed with water. To increase the effect, it is better to grind it in a coffee grinder. After 2 hours, drink the same amount of castor or vegetable oil. Repeat once a day.
- After eating, be sure to eat a clove of garlic and wash it down with warm milk. Course - 2 weeks.
- Peel some nuts, chop them - take 4 tbsp. l. , which should be poured with a liter of boiling water and a little salt. Let it infuse for 30 minutes. Consume in portions after cooling throughout the day, regardless of food. Treat yourself until you heal.
- The ideal option is freshly squeezed juices: they remove parasites and saturate them with vitamins. By the way, carrots and pomegranates, cabbage and beets come to the rescue. When your health allows, do not refuse raw vegetables: pumpkin, onion, radish and garlic, nuts and carrots. It's time to buy pumpkin seeds, especially unripe and unripe fruits.
- Anthelmintic effect and spectrum of action of herbal tea: with blackberry and strawberry leaves, sedge, chamomile, lavender and marigold.
It is important not to self-medicate; changes in the menu - vegetable juices and taking herbs - should be agreed with your doctor.
Prevention of worms
In order not to catch worms, you should not violate preventive measures:
- Subject meat and fish to a complete heat treatment to kill parasites.
- Do not eat in dubious public catering establishments where hygiene requirements for food preparation conditions are violated.
- It is undesirable to eat sushi: raw fish is used in cooking.
- Give up fast food. Vendors at street retail outlets sometimes violate sanitary standards. Flies, carriers of helminth eggs, easily reach the goods on the counter.
- Swimming in open reservoirs, near which large horned animals graze. In addition, swimming in an accessible pool is also dangerous: certificates from parasitologists are not required.
- Boil the water before use.
- Wash fruits and vegetables regularly. Unwashed berries and herbs from a summer cottage are dangerous: strawberries, raspberries, parsley, dill.
- Remember to wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating.
- Contact with pets facilitates the transmission of helminths to their owners. It is extremely important to keep the animals clean and carry out antiparasitic protection constantly. After interacting with pets, it is good to wash your hands.
Thus, in the arsenal of traditional medicine there are many effective means, which are also cheap and safe, which can defeat helminthiasis. However, it is important to remember that the disease is easier and simpler to prevent than to treat.